Witch Town – The Idea…

You have finished your training and just moved to an new town where you will be the acting witch. Your main job is to look after the town and its people. You will do this by doing daily (or monthly depending on the towns person) task. You will have control over who moves in, who lives where and who opens what business (with the few limitations, like main NPC’s houses and business).

As a witch you can cast spells and make potions and even fly around. To make potions you’ll need ingredients. and what a better why than to grow them yourself at your cottage farm. you will even be able to make medicine from the crops you grow. As the towns witch you will have to help the poorly. Because it can’t always be moving objects with the flick of the wrist. Not only can you grow magical crops you will be able to have magical creatures on your farm. You will be able to build farm buildings. you will have the control to not only place the building where you’d like but to rotate the buildings.

That’s not all! You can explore the magical forest and find hidden areas, fish, fight monsters, mine for resources, make friends and explore the land for hidden treasures.

This is just the general idea. Find out more as I update the blog. Look out for exciting development updates (and fails), as game mechanics are added, thrown away or fixed then broke then fixed again. I have such big ideas for this game, but have to start small as I am but one programmer who goes way to ambitious far to quick.

And trust me the tasks and helping are more exciting than they sound.

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